Waste & Recycling
Waste management is an area of continuing innovation, particularly in response to an overall drive toward resource efficiency, and likely to be eligible for significant funding to accelerate future innovation and business growth.
You’re constantly looking to develop new processes and equipment to improve the collection, processing, recycling and disposal of domestic and industrial waste. Your aim is to maximise the value of waste materials and reduce the burden of rising costs associated with landfill.
Examples of areas where qualifying R&D activities could exist:
- Waste management: continues to be an area of innovation, particularly in response to EU directives as well as an overall drive towards resource efficiency. Reliance on technology and mechanisation is increasing, e.g. to improve recycling processes or generate energy generation from waste (including thermal recovery processes and anaerobic digestion).
- Looking at environmentally friendly technologies: the low carbon agenda is of significant strategic importance to the gas, power, waste management and water industries. Low carbon technologies offer significant growth potential to existing industries, particularly in offshore wind, marine (wave and tidal) and Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS).